CattLeLogos Method
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Brand Plus: CattLeLogos Services


A successful, professional image captured through consistency in presentations, newsletters, proposals et al. Equally important, you can add hours to your productivity by reducing the time spent creating company materials and put yourself back in front of your customers.

  • Templates project a consistent image to customers and staff.
  • Custom clip art creates a style that is uniquely yours.
  • Common template and clip art libraries offer quick and easy access to all employees.
Build new presentations and documents quickly once you standardize your tools.

What It Is

Description The tools, templates, and training necessary for the internal branding process. Purchase elements separately or together.

Implement your brand to work within your business processes:
- identify any processes that impact delivery of your Brand Promise;
- assess software and IT for how well they implement your brand;
- create brand guidelines and rules for adherence to them.
Target Audience Small, medium, and large-sized companies who already have a business identity but want to integrate it into their business processes.
Prerequisites Experience with a computer/word processor (e.g., comfortable using Word), and Basic Brand or equivalent brand experience.
Elements Branded Templates: Improve the look of desktop published presentations, newsletters, proposals et al, by creating a library of branded templates for your desktop applications.

Clip Art: Create your own unique, professional look, and enhance all your documents and presentation materials with a custom/standard clip art library.

Writing Services: Need help creaing clear written materials or effective presentations? We write copy for any type of marketing or sales document as well as for the press and other media.

Detailed Marketing Plans: Plan for your marketplace success with carefully thought out strategy and tactics, and follow through with the steps to turn those plans into action.

Marketing Collateral: Our network of designers, writers, and graphic suppliers can create any kind of collateral you need:
- Brochures
- Newsletter
- Invitations
- Custom Web Site Design
- Advertisements
- Posters
- Billboards
- Stand-Ups
- Packaging


Interest in This Product?
Contact us for more info.

Branding Offers
  • Basic Brand
  • Brand Plus
  • Brand Professional
  • Branding Seminars

  • Related Topics
  • Brand Value Services
  • Strategic Consulting
  • CattLeLogos Method

  • Did You Know?

    Brand management is more than creating your logo or launching a new marketing campaign. Many of branding's costs occur in maintaining � or repairing � the brand you already have.

    However, spending usually focuses on image and the creative process, typically ignoring the impacts of people, processes and tools on maintaining your brand.

    The CattLeLogos approach adresses what's most often ignored, formalizing the processes for communicating your brand platform and the methods for implementing it.

    We start by looking at the existing processes, tools and behaviors that impact how your brand is communicated and perceived. We finish by helping you re-create sound business processes, simple tools and consistent behaviors that maintain your brand image.


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